'"I see my voice now as a wise friend and an integral part of me."

Find Your Voice Course

A one-to-one experiential and practical course of embodiment, sound healing, voice work and mind-body connection and physical release. This online self-development and personal growth adventure comprises of 8 hours intensive studying. 4 hours working personally with me over 4 weeks, plus additional self-study approximately 4 hours depending on how deeply you choose to practice outside of our work together.

Whether you want support to sing, speak or speak your truth, I aim to help you empower yourself to find freedom in your voice and body. Gain confidence professionally, in relationships and creativity. Express yourself with clarity, state boundaries and connect with your voice therapeutically. A mind-body approach to health and well-being.

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"What a lovely 4-week experience. I highly recommend it! Apart from really enjoying the sessions - finding them playful, profound and beautifully crafted. I have learnt some incredible things. I see my voice now as a wise friend and an integral part of me. It was wonderful to feel into my throat muscles and notice breath moving these areas when they relaxed. I gained a very useful tool in being able to distinguish my true inner voice from the head babble by its different tone and quality. And I love how finding my body's tune and note feels so resonant and leaves me deeply happy. Thank you Charlie for this wonderful way of getting to know my voice and welcoming it in as a valued part of myself and my self expression."

“I discovered the Find Your Voice Course during a frustrating and desperate period when I felt my words were unheard. Charlotte’s course addressed my monotone storytelling, unveiling a world of passion and engagement. With embodiment and inner work, my voice blossomed. Charlotte’s support and compassionate guidance, combined with insightful sessions, proved invaluable. Now, equipped with newfound vocal depth, I’m ready to embark on a project helping children overcome their anxiety and fears through personalised adventures. Charlotte, thank you for your wisdom and gifts.”

Course Content After a one to one online consultation with me, this course will be ‘made to order’ to accommodate your intention and needs.

  • vocal warm ups
  • observing your body and voice connection
  • working together through block and barriers to help you find your voice
  • embodiment practices to support and build mind-body connection
  • using NVC (Non Violent Communication) and dialogue to access your feelings and identify your needs
  • connecting with the elements through sound and voice work
  • self study practical assignments  
  • deep listening exercises
  • sound healing
  • vocal warm ups with observation 
  • movement meditation 
  • ongoing email support throughout the programme

1 hour one to one online each week for 4 weeks + 4 hour self study assignments to help embody the work.

Exchange £485, concessions available.

Booking via appointment only Contact me